You do not have to earn your food

A saw a post on instagram the other day, in fact, I see posts like it on social media all the bloody time. At the time, I didn't think much of it. Honestly, I scrolled right past it and filled my morning with pretty things and glimpses into peoples manicured realities. I forgot about it, and went on about my day. But later that afternoon it popped up again. Except this time it was in my feed that I have dedicated to health and wellness. And I am not going to lie. It pissed me off.

It looked like an innocent 'fitspo' kind of post... [gosh I am rolling my eyes as I write that. I hate that word for so many bloody reasons] A strong, fierce women in the middle of a renegade row. I can only imagine the focus and strength to complete that move took. The caption is what rubbed me the wrong way. "Earn your Sunday Brunch" I am sorry. But get fucked.

Hairy bits and pieces

Hair. We've all got it. Ok, sweeping generalisation. Some of us have it, some of us don't and well some of us had it and then lost it. Some of us have a shit tonne of it (my husband is in this camp) and around 50% of the worlds population have been taught from the time we hit puberty that we should be ashamed of our body hair. So much so that we should use razors, creams, lasers or any other means possible to get rid of it. Because you know. Hair is gross. But only if you are a woman.*

*it should be noted that while I will use the terms “men” and “women” throughout this article, I do not intend to exclude those individuals who identify with non-binary or fluid gender identities.

Did you say Pies and Lattes?

I don't know about you, but when it comes to the gym, I don't try new stuff out very often. Its probably two-fold. One, I like to feel like I am in control. New classes always throw out new moves, that everyone else seems to know, except you.  Suddenly everyone is moving to the right, and I'm still doing arm circles and shuffling to the left. New stuff takes concentration, and coordination. Sometimes, I don't have either of those things at the gym. I like to zone out, do what I know. Give me a pump class any day people. There ain't too many variations of counts 2-2, 3-1 and 4-4. Or of course singles, or pulses. Dear Lord. Single pulse squats. Please no. And then of course there is number two. The whole being terribly self conscious thing. Ya know, not knowing how your body is going to react. The age old question... am I going to be able to bend that way or am I going to survive that new move? Sorry to break it to you folks, the answer is probably not.


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